Sons of the Forest Item IDs
Jeder Gegenstand hat eine ID in Sons of the Forest – die sogenannte “Item ID”. Diese Sons of the Forest Item IDs sind wichtig für Konsolenbefehle und Cheats. In diesem Artikel findest du eine Tabelle mit der Item ID zu jedem Gegenstand aus Sons of the Forest.
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Hier findest du die Item IDs für alle Gegenstände aus Sons of the Forest. Verwende die Item ID Liste, um über Konsolenbefehle und Cheats Gegenstände herbeizurufen.
Aktuell ist im Spiel nur mit Hilfe von Mods möglich, die Konsole zu öffnen. Hier findest du eine Liste mit allen Sons of the Forest Cheats und eine Erklärung, welche Mods du benötigst.
🔥 In dieser Item-Liste für Sons of the Forest sind alle spawnbaren Gegenstände enthalten. Sie sind direkt aus dem Client exportiert und werden regelmäßig aktualisiert.
Sons of the Forest Item IDs
241 Gegenstände gefunden.
Item Id | Gegenstand | additem #itemId Befehl |
618 | 3D-gedruckter Pfeil (Printed Arrow) | |
657 | 3D-gedrucktes GPS-Gehäuse (3dPrintedGpsLocatorCase) | |
370 | 9-mm-Munition (Pistol Ammo) | |
362 | 9-mm-Munition (Pistol Ammo) | |
637 | Action-Kamera (Action Camera) | |
643 | Adlerkopf (EagleHead) | |
617 | Aktienkurs-Chart (Stock Price) | |
451 | Aloe-Vera (Aloe Vera) | |
596 | Aloe-Vera-Same (AloeVera Seed) | |
480 | Arm (Severed Arm) | |
410 | Armbanduhr (Watch) | |
365 | Armbrust (Crossbow) | |
368 | Armbrustbolzen (Crossbow Bolt) | |
466 | Auster (Oyster) | |
619 | Badeanzug (Swim Suit) | |
527 | Batterien (Batteries) | |
78 | Baumstamm (Log) | |
481 | Bein (Severed Leg) | |
353 | Betäubungsgewehr (Stun Gun) | |
457 | Betäubungsgewehrmunition (Stun Gun Ammo) | |
369 | Betäubungsgewehrmunition (Stun Gun Ammo) | |
484 | Blatt (Leaf) | |
473 | Blätterrüstung (Leaf Armour) | |
395 | Brett (Log Plank) | |
577 | Bretthälfte (Half Log plank) | |
598 | Brombeere (Blackberry Seed) | |
595 | Brombeeren (Blackberries) | |
423 | Buch „Fähnchenbanner” (Novel A) | |
574 | Buch „Gerettet” (Novel C) | |
575 | Buch „Parallelwelten” (Novel D) | |
424 | Buch „Tiefschlaf” (Novel B) | |
420 | C4-Ladung (C4 Brick) | |
465 | Chicorée (Chicory) | |
425 | Crunchie Wunchies (Crunchie Wunchies) | |
631 | Das Reich Jenseits (Novel F) | |
432 | Dosenöffner (Can Opener) | |
418 | Draht (Wire) | |
578 | Dreiviertelbrett (Three Quarter Log Plank) | |
409 | Dreiviertelstamm (Three Quarter Log) | |
390 | Druckerharz (Printer Resin) | |
544 | E-Mail (Politician Email Pt 3) | |
542 | E-Mail (Politician Email Pt 1) | |
543 | E-Mail (Politician Email Pt 2) | |
545 | E-Mail (Ballet Email) | |
546 | E-Mail (Squeaky Shoes Email Pt 1) | |
547 | E-Mail (Squeaky Shoes Email Pt 2) | |
548 | E-Mail (Squeaky Shoes Email Pt 3) | |
541 | E-Mail (Astrology Email Pt 3) | |
540 | E-Mail (Astrology Email Pt 2) | |
539 | E-Mail (Astrology Email Pt 1) | |
614 | E-Mail (Email) | |
521 | E-Mail (Cave Lighting Email) | |
615 | E-Mail (Email) | |
534 | E-Mail (Golf Email Pt 1) | |
616 | E-Mail (Email) | |
535 | E-Mail (Golf Email Pt 2) | |
537 | E-Mail (Golf Email Pt 4) | |
538 | E-Mail (Painting Email) | |
536 | E-Mail (Golf Email Pt 3) | |
647 | Eichhörnchenkopf (SquirrelHead) | |
652 | Elchkopf (MooseHead) | |
396 | Elektroschocker (Stun Baton) | |
461 | Energiemischung (Energy Mix) | |
462 | Energiemischung + (Energy Mix+) | |
441 | Energieriegel (Energy Bar) | |
439 | Energydrink (Energy Drink) | |
642 | Entenkopf (DuckHead) | |
503 | Fackel (Torch) | |
479 | Feder (Feather) | |
438 | Feldration (MRE Pack) | |
640 | Felsbrocken (Stone) | |
341 | Fernglas (Binoculars) | |
431 | Feuerwehraxt (Firefighter Axe) | |
413 | Feuerzeug (Plasma Lighter) | |
528 | Finanzdaten von Hr. Puffy (MrPuffy Financials) | |
436 | Fisch (Fish) | |
433 | Fleisch (Meat) | |
363 | Flintenlaufgeschoss (Shotgun Slug) | |
372 | Flintenlaufgeschoss (Shotgun Slug) | |
567 | Gästeschlüsselkarte (Guest Key) | |
426 | Gedruckte Trinkflasche (Printed Flask) | |
560 | Gedruckter Enterhaken (Printed Grappling Hook) | |
428 | Gedruckter Schlitten (Printed Sled) | |
569 | Gehirnstück (Brain Bite) | |
496 | Geld (Money) | |
455 | Gesundheitsmischung (Health Mix) | |
361 | Gewehr (Rifle) | |
383 | Gewehraufsatz (Rifle Rail Mod) | |
387 | Gewehrmunition (RifleAmmo) | |
340 | Gitarre (Guitar) | |
635 | Glühbirne (Light Bulb) | |
435 | Goldmaske (Gold Mask) | |
572 | Goldrüstung (Golden Armour) | |
524 | Golfball (Golf Ball) | |
661 | Golfwagen-Batterie (GolfCartBattery) | |
412 | GPS-Gerät (GPS Tracker) | |
529 | GPS-Peilsender (GPS Locator) | |
382 | Granate (GrenadeAmmo) | |
381 | Granate (Grenade) | |
594 | Guarana-Beeren (Guarana Berries) | |
602 | Guarana-Samen (Guarana Seed) | |
417 | Haftbombe (Time Bomb) | |
589 | Handbuch (S.C.R.E.W. / Tutorials) | |
477 | Handgefertigte Keule (Crafted Club) | |
474 | Handgefertigter Speer (Crafted Spear) | |
443 | Handgemachter Bogen (Crafted Bow) | |
646 | Hasenkopf (RabbitHead) | |
456 | Health Mix + (Health Mix+) | |
446 | Heckenkirsche (Twinberries) | |
445 | Heidelbeeren (Blueberries) | |
599 | Heidelbeerstrauchsame (Blueberry Seed) | |
651 | Hirsch-Kopf (DeerHead) | |
509 | Holosprings-Broschüre (Holosprings Pamphlet) | |
564 | Holoville-Hinweis (HolovilleNoticeC) | |
563 | Holoville-Hinweis (HolovilleNoticeB) | |
562 | Holoville-Hinweis (HolovilleNoticeA) | |
565 | Holoville-Hinweis (HolovilleNoticeD) | |
449 | Igelkraftwurz (Devil's Club) | |
600 | Igelkraftwurzsamen (DevilsClub Seed) | |
491 | Jackett (Blazer) | |
490 | Kapuzenpullover (Hoodie) | |
367 | Katana (Katana) | |
464 | Katzenfutter (Cat Food) | |
394 | Kettensäge (Chainsaw) | |
476 | Kiesel (Small Rock) | |
419 | Klebeband (Duct Tape) | |
556 | Kleid (Dress) | |
644 | Kleiner Schildkrötenkopf (SmallTurtleHead) | |
630 | Knight V (KnightV) | |
405 | Knochen (Bone) | |
494 | Knochenrüstung (Bone Armour) | |
400 | Knollenblätterpilz (Fly Amanita) | |
517 | Kochtopf (Cooking Pot) | |
373 | Kohlefaserpfeil (Tactical Arrow) | |
360 | Kompositbogen (Tactical Bow) | |
434 | Konserven (Canned Food) | |
482 | Kopf (Severed Head) | |
398 | Kräuterseitling (King Oyster) | |
468 | Kreuz (Cross) | |
633 | Kultpamphlet (Cult Pamphlet) | |
447 | Lachsbeeren (Salmonberries) | |
604 | Lachsbeersamen (Salmonberry Seed) | |
375 | Laservisier (Laser Sight) | |
557 | Lederanzug (Leather Suit) | |
508 | Lederbeutel (Skin Pouch) | |
493 | Lederjacke (Leather Jacket) | |
416 | Leiterplatte (Circuit Board) | |
440 | Leuchtfackel (Flare) | |
469 | Lufttank (Air Canister) | |
359 | Machete (Machete) | |
437 | Medizin (Meds) | |
356 | Moderne Axt (Modern Axe) | |
389 | Molotow (MolotovAmmo) | |
388 | Molotowcocktail (Molotov) | |
648 | Möwenkopf (SeagullHead) | |
502 | Münzen (Coins) | |
593 | Mutantenrüstung (Creepy Armour) | |
354 | Nachtsichtgerät (Night Vision Goggles) | |
499 | Neoprenanzug (Wetsuit) | |
483 | Notfallpaket (Emergency Pack) | |
351 | Notgepäck (Grab Bag) | |
366 | Ortungspfeil (Tracker Dart) | |
518 | Papierzielscheibe (Paper Target) | |
454 | Pfeilblatt (Arrowleaf) | |
597 | Pfeilblattsamen (Arrowleaf Seed) | |
355 | Pistole (Compact Pistol) | |
376 | Pistolenaufsatz (Pistol Rail) | |
504 | Plane (Tarp) | |
467 | Plattencover (Album Cover) | |
525 | Putter (Putter) | |
590 | Radio (Radio) | |
421 | Ramen-Nudeln (Ramen Noodles) | |
639 | Raumanzug (SpaceSuit) | |
422 | Reparaturwerkzeug (Repair Tool) | |
386 | Revolver (Revolver) | |
391 | Rote Maske (Red Mask) | |
402 | Rucksack (Backpack) | |
450 | SCHACHTELHALM (Horsetail) | |
603 | Schachtelhalmsamen (Horsetail Seed) | |
430 | Schädel (Skull) | |
452 | Schafgarbe (Yarrow) | |
606 | Schafgarbensamen (Yarro Seed) | |
374 | Schalldämpfer (Silencer) | |
485 | Schaufel (Shovel) | |
401 | Schildkrötenei (Turtle Egg) | |
650 | Schildkrötenkopf (TurtleHead) | |
506 | Schildkrötenpanzer (Turtle Shell) | |
487 | Schlafanzug (Silk Pyjamas) | |
459 | Schleuder (Slingshot) | |
448 | Schneebeeren (Snowberries) | |
358 | Schrotflinte (Shotgun) | |
346 | Schrotflintenaufsatz (Shotgun Rail) | |
364 | Schrotkugeln (Shotgun Buckshot) | |
371 | Schrotkugeln (Shotgun Buckshot) | |
403 | Seil (Rope) | |
522 | Seilgewehr (RopeGun) | |
523 | Seilrutschenseil (Zipline Rope) | |
399 | Semmel-Stoppelpilz (Hydnum Repandum) | |
397 | Shiitake (Shiitake) | |
664 | Solafit-Erz (SolafiteOre) | |
634 | Solarpanel (Solar Panel) | |
571 | Speckstück (Steak and Bacon Bite) | |
663 | Spitzhacke (Pickaxe) | |
408 | Stammhälfte (Half Log) | |
570 | Steakstück (Steak Bite) | |
393 | Stein (Rock) | |
507 | Steinpfeil (Crafted Arrow) | |
392 | Stock (Stick) | |
415 | Stoff (Cloth) | |
520 | Strukturelement (Structure Element) | |
379 | Taktische Axt (Tactical Axe) | |
489 | Taktische Hose (Tactical Pants) | |
495 | Taktische Jacke (Tactical Jacket) | |
558 | Tarnanzug (Camoflage Suit) | |
471 | Taschenlampe (Flashlight) | |
378 | Taschenlampenvorrichtung (Flashlight Attachment) | |
444 | Tauchgerät (Rebreather) | |
553 | Tech Mesh (Tech Mesh) | |
554 | Tech-Rüstung (Tech Armour) | |
526 | Testament von Hr. Puffy (Mr Puffy Will) | |
472 | Tierhaut (Deer Hide) | |
519 | Tierhautrüstung (Deer Hide Armour) | |
555 | Trainingsanzug (Track Suit) | |
516 | Tutorial-Seite (Tarp Tent Tutorial Page) | |
515 | Tutorial-Seite (Basic Building Tutorial Page) | |
492 | Tuxedo (Tuxedo) | |
592 | Unheimliche Haut (Creepy Skin) | |
576 | Viertelbrett (Quarter Log plank) | |
406 | Viertelstamm (Quarter Log) | |
568 | VIP-Schlüsselkarte (VIP Key) | |
486 | Walkie-Talkie (Walkie Talkie) | |
566 | Wartungsschlüsselkarte (Maintenance Key) | |
605 | Wegwarte (Chicory Seed) | |
453 | WEIDENRÖSCHEN (Fireweed) | |
601 | Weidenröschensamen (Fireweed Seed) | |
500 | Winterjacke (Puffy Jacket) | |
414 | Wodka-Flasche (Vodka Bottle) | |
611 | Zahlenübersetzung (Numbers Printout) | |
612 | Zeitungsausschnitt (Newspaper Cutout) | |
613 | Zeitungsausschnitt (Newspaper Cutout) | |
377 | Zielfernrohr (Scope) |